Idealease in Team Wieland Truck & Trailer, Michigan

Idealease Truck Rentals & Leasing in Michigan

Reponsiveness | Expertise | Stability

We Are Focused on Your Sucess

Idealease offers a safe, cost-effective and efficient alternative to commercial truck ownership through our comprehensive truck leasing, truck rental, and dedicated maintenance solutions. We are the industry experts at seamlessly transitioning businesses from truck ownership to full service leasing. Our responsive fleet services will help keep your business running smoothly allowing you to focus even more attention on serving your customers and growing your business.

We have the expertise to create transportation solutions for commercial fleets of all sizes. We employ the most seasoned and tenured truck leasing and truck rental professionals. They can show you how our fleet services and dedicated maintenance can help reduce the risk and costs associated with commercial truck operations and fleet management.

Idealease is committed to vehicle uptime. We support a fleet of more than 45,000 trucks, tractors and trailers with the most proficient, manufacturer-certified technicians, a vast parts inventory and the latest diagnostic equipment.

  • Commercial Truck Rental and Leasing

    Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Long Term

    Commercial Truck, Tractors, Trailers

    "Guaranteed Maintenance" Programs

    "For ALL Your Transportation Needs"

  • Contact Your Idealease Representative

    Paulette Jeske | Lease Sales: (989) 755-7907

    Denise King | Rental Sales: (989) 662-4455

Full Service Lease

Do You Really Want to Be in the Transportation Business?

Commercial truck ownership is getting more challenging and costly to manage every day. A full service lease from Idealease allows you to pay even more attention to serving your customers and growing your business.

For most well-run businesses, truck leasing is a superior financial and operational alternative because your cash flow improves, your truck uptime improves and your transportation costs are more consistent.

With an Idealease full service lease, you get industry-leading vehicles that are backed by superior fleet maintenance and fleet services like 24/7 roadside assistance. Our professional vehicle maintenance improves vehicle uptime at a fixed and guaranteed monthly cost. Since 2005, Idealease full service lease customers have experienced 98% vehicle uptime.

  • Full Service Lease Benefits

    • Priority Service
    • No vehicle disposal concerns
    • Dedicated maintenance
    • Mobile service (at designated locations)
    • Periodic state and federal inspections
    • Vehicle licensing and permitting
    • Replacement rental vehicles
    • Discounted rentals
    • Safety and compliance training and consultation
    • GPS solutions
    • Fuel tax reporting
    • Fuel purchasing program
    • 24-hour roadside assistance
  • Truck Leasing - Do the Math

    Commercial Truck Leasing is a solution you cannot afford to ignore.

    For most well-run businesses, leasing is a superior financial and operational alternative.

    Do the Math! Leasing pulls all six components of truck operations together.

    • Purchase Price
    • Financing
    • Used Truck Disposal
    • Maintenance Services
    • Peripheral Service (washing, rentals, fuel programs, etc.)
    • Administration (truck licensing, regulatory compliance, etc.)

Full Service Equity Lease

Do You Own Your Commercial Trucks but Need the Predictability and Convenience of Full Service Lease Support?

For some companies, owning their commercial vehicles is necessary due to tax reasons or truck application. If you need to own your own trucks, our Full Service Equity Lease is a great option.

With our Full Service Equity Lease, you retain vehicle ownership and benefit from IRS accelerated tax depreciation rules (in the U.S.). Plus you get fixed and guaranteed monthly maintenance costs on all predictable maintenance parts and labor, comprehensive preventive maintenance support, and priority service at more than 430 Idealease locations.

Talk to Idealease, the truck leasing experts. We'll help you combine the guaranteed maintenance costs and priority service of a full service lease with your tax ownership, book treatment, and equity interest of vehicle ownership, and allow you to pay even more attention on serving your customers and growing your business.

Idealease FSEL Benefits

  • Improved cash flow
  • Conserve credit line
  • No down payment
  • Tax Ownership
  • Guaranteed maintenance costs
  • Improved vehicle uptime
  • Priority Service at more than 430 locations
  • End-of-term options: retain ownership or trade-in vehicles
  • Idealease purchasing power

Ownership to Lease Transition

How Can You Unlock the Equity that's Tied Up in Your Truck Fleet?

Idealease can help you unlock the cash that's tied-up in your truck fleet and improve your service to your customers.

Commercial truck leasing is considered by many to be a high cost convenience. It's not - and we can prove it! With a full service lease, your truck fleet expenses are better aligned with the cash flows produced by the trucks. And you don't pay for the truck up front and wait years to receive the residual when you finally dispose of the vehicle.

Our Ownership Transition program will show you the true cost of truck ownership and the advantages of full service leasing. We can create a buyout/lease back program to help you transition from truck ownership to leasing.

Our responsive service will help keep your business running smoothly - allowing you to focus even more attention on serving your customers and growing your business.

Talk to Idealease - the truck leasing experts. We can show you why truck leasing is a solution you can't afford to ignore. We will put you in the driver's seat with facts that will help you make a better long-term financial decision for your business.

Is Ownership Transition Right for You?

If you own your vehicles outright, you can unlock the equity that's tied up in your trucks with an Ownership Transition from Idealease.

  • Product Determination - Review the options: A Full Service Lease, a Full Service Equity Lease, or a Dedicated Maintenance program. We make sure that you get the right Idealease product to match your requirements.
  • Fleet Assessment - Analyze the age, size and configuration of your fleet. We can purchase your existing trucks and replace them with new vehicles, or we can purchase your existing trucks and lease them back to you.
  • Vehicle Specifications - If replacement trucks are needed, Idealease will meet with your drivers and logistics managers to ensure we order the right trucks for your application.
  • Customer Orientation - Once your new trucks are placed into service, we will meet with your key personnel to review our support services and answer any questions.

Ownership Transition Benefits

  • Unlock the equity in your truck fleet
  • Improved cash flow
  • Conserve credit lines
  • No down payment
  • Improved vehicle uptime
  • Priority Service at more than 430 locations
  • Dedicated Priority Service bays
  • Expert technicians
  • Lock in a fair residual value
  • Built-in used truck disposal
  • Guaranteed Maintenance Costs
    • Predictable maintenance parts and labor
    • Preventive maintenance
    • Predictable tire repair and replacement

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